Outside the Cinema
We feature films running the gamut from Horror to Exploitation to Noir and Martial Arts and back. You know that random video you got on VHS from some random mom and pop video store when you were 12? Yeah, we covered it. So sit back and enjoy the OTC ride.

This week we close out the Month of Throwdown. We take a look at 2 "forgotten" flicks. We start with the sleazy as sleazy can be "The Urge to Kill" which is the Alexa origins story Bezos tried to silence. Then we talk about the Japanese film "Snake Girl and the White Haired Witch" not the normal Asian film we cover but we can get into the that in the review. Scott dives head first into one of the film from last week and Joe......well Joe... he is trying to be positive but the Children of the Corn series is getting the better of him.

Direct download: Episode_715_The_Urge_To_Snake_Girl_and_Kill_The_White_Hair_Witch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

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