Outside the Cinema
We feature films running the gamut from Horror to Exploitation to Noir and Martial Arts and back. You know that random video you got on VHS from some random mom and pop video store when you were 12? Yeah, we covered it. So sit back and enjoy the OTC ride.
Episode #468.2 American 3 Dev Angels Adam

Wednesday Night Wars now with 100% more El Goro

Direct download: Episode_468_V2_American_3_Dev_Angels_Adam.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

Bill is suffering from the Vegas flu so we where unable to record a new episode this week but in the 9 years of OTC we make sure you get something in your feed. Here is a repost of the Nu Metal Show with out buddy Gus and Melissa. This episode was released and only was available on the feed for a couple week before being removed and placed in the archives but here it is again to get your baggy JNCO's and Ball Chain wallets in a bunch.

Direct download: Episode_OTC_Music_Top_Ten_Nu_Metal_Songs.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

Music Month continues with reviews of two cash in films "Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park" and "Spice World".

Direct download: Episode_467_Kiss_Meets_the_Spice_Phantom_of_the_World_Park_.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Episode #466 Eddie and the Bird on a Cruisers Wire

Music Month is here! Reviews of Eddie and the Cruisers and Leonard Cohen:Bird on a Wire 

Direct download: Episode_466_Eddie_and_the_Bird_on_the_Cruisers_Wire.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 8:11pm EST

Episode #OTC Music Top Ten Albums 2016

The Gang goes over our favorite Albums from 2016.

Direct download: Episode_OTC_Music_Top_Ten_Albums_of_2016.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 2:39pm EST