Outside the Cinema
We feature films running the gamut from Horror to Exploitation to Noir and Martial Arts and back. You know that random video you got on VHS from some random mom and pop video store when you were 12? Yeah, we covered it. So sit back and enjoy the OTC ride.

This Show marks our 12th year as a podcast so what do we do? Well not much really just catch up on some stuff. 

Direct download: Episode_624_12_Years_and_We_Got_Nothing_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:18pm EST

Reviews of Cat O Nine Tails and Invitation to Hell 

Direct download: Episode_623_Invitation_to_Cat_o_Nine_Hell_Tails.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

Back to form this week as we look at the two 70's flicks Black Trash and Record City

Direct download: Episode__622_Black_Record_Trash_City_.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 1:03pm EST

Our lists of our fav albums from the last year.

Direct download: Episode_Music_Top_Ten_Albums_2019.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 8:36am EST

Chris and Bill reveal our top 12 favorite flicks of the year. we also talk a little music, a little stuff that we thought was awful and everything in between. 

Direct download: Episode_621_Tops_of_the_Tops_Best_of_the_Year.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST