Wed, 27 September 2017
Rothrock and Trash!!! Kicks and Cats!!! Reviews of Sworn to Justice and Night of a Thousand Cats
Wed, 20 September 2017
Back in the Saddle for reviews and a list breakdown!!! Films reviewed this week are Jack Hill's Mondo Keyhole and JHorror flick Dead Waves.
Direct download: Episode_502_Dead_Mondo_Waves_Keyhole.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 10:49am EST
Wed, 13 September 2017
This week's show is marginal at best deal with it.
Wed, 6 September 2017
Almost 4 hours of OTC we get a ton of email and VM for the 500th episode and we go through best and worst films we have reviewed on the show over the years.